Youth Ministry

Because You Are Worth It

Most of our 8th graders attended a conference this morning given by Pam Stenzel about the Catholic virtue of chastity. A timely and necessary topic for any age, but especially now when so many of our values are disregarded by so many. Some of our students are shown after the conference asking the presenter questions and giving feedback.

The conference was hosted by the Diocesan Office of Youth and Young Adult Ministries. 


Holy Cross Youth Ministry Mum and Pumpkin Sale This Weekend 10/5-10/6

Mr. Feerst, Miss Evans and Miss McCarthy were putting the final touches on the mum stand and the pumpkin patch for this weekend's sale. Mums, pumpkins and cornstalks will be on sale after all the masses this weekend, and during dismissal after school. Hopefully, our well tended plants will be scooped up quickly

The corn stalks are still green and we hope with plenty of water, the mums will stay that way too. 

Proceeds from the sale support the Youth Ministry budget and are much appreciated.



Mums and Cornstalks On the Go

St. Anthony and His Pumpkin Patch
Customer Service Pavilion

Mr. Feerst and Miss McCarthy Sort Mums By Color.

Bleachers Full of Mums


Holy Cross Youth Ministry Registration Form 2013-2014

Download 2013 Welcome letter Registration Form.pdf (62.6K)


Dear Friends,


For the 2013-2014 season, we will again be offering our Youth Program for teens of Holy Cross Parish.  Young people in grades 9-12 are encouraged to participate!  Our staff has worked out a great program to benefit this age group in many ways.  Holy Cross teachers Greer McCarthy, Amy Evans, and myself along with CBA religion teacher Matt Butler are excited for a year of good fun, super service projects, and “an enlightening experience”.

 Most young people desire a relationship with God, but struggle with how to get started and keep it going.  Holy Cross Youth Ministry is an excellent way to keep young people thinking about their faith while acting on Catholic social teaching.  The program will include prayer, service to those less fortunate, social gathering and, of course, a lot of fun!  Participating in our Youth Ministry is something positive to add to college applications and job applications. Today’s world is so competitive, and youth ministry can provide a spiritual edge to help our teens develop a smooth transition into growing older. 

 We hope you will join us!  Please fill out the registration form and return it to the Holy Cross Parish or School office.  Questions?  Call me at 732-842-0348, extension 1140.

Thank you!

 Michael Feerst

Director of Youth Ministry

Holy Cross Youth Ministry Mum and Pumpkin Sale This Weekend

Mum and Pumpkin
Remember to purchase your annual mums and pumpkins at Holy Cross' Youth Ministry Mum and Pumpkin Sale after all the masses this weekend. Proceeds will benefit the many activities of the Youth Ministry planned for this year and will show our support for our Youth Group. What a great presentation Mr. Feerst and Mr. Butler gave at the masses last weekend!


Holy Cross Youth Ministry 2012-2013

Adult leaders of our Youth Ministry program were on hand at most of the masses today to speak about plans for the coming year. Thanks to Mr. Feerst and Mr. Butler for generating such enthusiasm, and to Greer McCarthy and Amy Evans, both teachers at Holy Cross School for being on hand to encourage high-school age teens and their parents to participate and complete registration forms.

Registration information will be available in the Parish Office. The group begins its formal meetings in October, but kicks off the year with its Annual Mum and Pumpkin Sale after all the masses next weekend.


Holy Cross Youth Group

This weekend the Holy Cross Youth Group will open its membership for the coming year. Mssrs. Mike Feerst and Mat Butler will speak at all the masses to explain the many new opportunities for prayer, service and growing in faith that the group will offer this year. 


Dear Friends,

 For the 2012-2013 season,  We will again be offering our Youth Program for teens of the Parish.  Young people in grades 9-12 are encouraged to participate!  Our staff has worked out a great program to benefit this age group in many ways.

 Speaking of staff, we are excited to announce that our staff has expanded!  Matt Butler, CBA religion teacher and coach, and Greer McCarthy, Holy Cross 5th grade teacher will be teaming up with  Amy Evans , Linda Delaney and myself.  We are excited for a year of great food, good fun, super service projects, and “an enlightening experience.”

 Most young people desire a relationship with God, but struggle with how to get started and keep it going.  Holy Cross Youth Ministry is an excellent way to keep young people thinking about their faith while acting on Catholic social teaching.  The program will include prayer, service to those less fortunate, social gathering and, of course, a lot of fun!  Participating in our Youth Ministry is something positive to add to college applications and job applications. Today’s world is so competitive, and youth ministry can provide a spiritual edge to help our teens develop a smooth transition into growing older. 

 We hope you will join us!  Please fill out the registration form and return it to the Holy Cross Parish or School office.  Questions?  Call me at 732-842-0348, extension 1140.

 Thank you!

 Michael Feerst

Director of Youth Ministry


New Assistant Youth Minister for Holy Cross


Holy Cross is pleased to announce that Matt Butler, a faculty member of Christian Brothers Academy in Lincroft, will join our parish staff to assist Mr. Feerst in moderating the high school students in Holy Cross Youth Group. Mr. Butler teaches religion at CBA, holds a Master's Degree in Theology and is the Assistant Wrestling and Assistant Crew Coach. He currently serves as a youth minister in Northern New Jersey and will begin his ministry at Holy Cross in the fall. We hope to introduce Matt Butler at upcoming parish functions before the fall semester to let everyone meet him and get acquainted.  Many of our parishioners are well acquainted with Matt already.

We are sure that his enthusiasm, intelligence, athletic prowess and love of Christ will inspire all of us at Holy Cross. Welcome, Matthew Butler!