
Good Friday

We've lowered the Cross for the Veneration of the Cross liturgy and hope to be able to transmit a suitable image for meditation. On a typical Good Friday it is amazing to see how reverently and thoughtfully people venerate the cross when we are able to place it at the foot of the altar.


Mass of the Lord's Supper - Holy Thursday

The Season of Lent ends tonight at the beginning of the Mass of the Lord's Supper which marks the beginning of the most sacred time on the Christian calendar, The Triduum. The three days of Holy Thursday, Good Friday and Holy Saturday Vigil Mass commemorate the suffering, dying and rising of Christ in one continuous liturgy celebrated over the course of these three blessed days. Join us this evening for the Mass of the Lord's Supper.


More Triduum Pictures 2017

Honor Guard and Crucifers Ready the Cross


The Cross is Carried Down the Main Aisle: Behold!


Heavy Lifting: Behold the Wood of the Cross on Which Hung the Savior of the World!


The Fire Blazes As We Wait For Darkness


Our Easter Vigil Servers


Easter Resurrection Finest


The Easter Candle With The Resurrection Window in the Background


Palm Sunday Procession

I'm not sure how many parishes in the diocese are made up of parts of different cities, but each year one important message we send by processing from Sea Bright to Rumson is that both belong to our parish.

The sky was beautiful and the weather almost warm enough to smell the surf- the hint of Spring was surely in the air. I think we had our best attendance yet, surely it was the most tuneful with our children's choir leading the traditional chant to the church for our 10:30 AM mass. 

It was fun to pass Duncan Donuts chanting "All Glory Laud and Honor."


Gathering and Blessing Palms in Sea Bright at the Ocean
Crossing the River Shrewsbury
Two of Our Faithful Altar Servers: A Pillar of Smoke and Column of Fire


Jesus' Entry Into Jerusalem
The Procession Arrives at Holy Cross

Through the Garden Into the Church


Pray the Triduum


Praying the Easter Mysteries during the 3 day Triduum will strengthen our faith, not only for the weeks and months until the next Easter, but for our entire faith journey.

Please join us for the Mass of the Lord's Supper on Thursday evening at 7 PM, the Veneration of the Cross on Friday at 3 PM and the Easter Vigil on Saturday at 8 PM.

This year we are happy to have a catechumen who will be baptized at the Vigil and candidates who will be welcomed into full communion with the Catholic church.


The Sacred Triduum Begins Tonight


Join us in praying the Mass of the Lord's Supper at 7 PM tonight in the church as we close Lent and begin the most holy three days of the church's liturgical calendar.

At the beginning of mass, we will formally receive the sacred oils blessed by Bishop O'Connell and the priests of the diocese at the Chrism mass earlier in the week. The Oil of the Sick, The Oil of the Catechumens and the Sacred Chrism will be used throughout the year to celebrate the sacraments of Baptism, Confirmation and the Anointing of the Sick. Last year, the Sacred Chrism was also used to consecrate our altar and our church building.

At tonight's mass, we will celebrate the foot washing in commemoration of Jesus' actions at the Last Supper.

At the conclusion of the mass, the Blessed Sacrament will be processed from the church to the chapel where it will be placed in the Altar of Repose for the night. The tabernacle in the church will be empty. 

We will pray night prayer in the chapel at 11 PM.