Mass Attendance

Sunday Masses

Brrr. At least the bright sunshine is beautiful and the forecast calls for some warming in the next few days.

The church parking lot is cleared of drifts and the walkways to the south entrances of the church are passable. The main steps are clear.

The barrier-free parking lot and driveway alongside the rectory are closed.

The 10:30 AM and 12 noon masses will be held as usual. The sun will be shining and temperatures will be at their highest.

The 5 PM and the 7 PM masses are cancelled. Come darkness and dropping temps the parking lot will refreeze and be too dangerous.

Keep in mind the conditions of the roads, your personal safety and the admonitions of civic authorities regarding venturing out at all.

We're here.



Winds Still Whipping at Nightfall





We'll announce decisions about tomorrow's masses after daybreak tomorrow.

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Reminder: The 8 AM Sunday mass has been cancelled in order to give us time to clear the parking lot and walkways if possible. If the storm is still in full force, more adjustments to the schedule may be necessary. Check blog tomorrow AM.

Let us pray for everyone's safety.


Saturday 5 PM and Sunday 8 AM Masses Are Cancelled

At this writing early Saturday morning, the wind conditions and continuing snowfall are making it nearly impossible to foresee when travel will again be safe and when we are able to provide safe parking and clear pathways to the church.

Presuming our ability to clear the lot and walks will eventually succeed, but wishing to get time for us to do so safely, we have cancelled the Saturday 5 PM mass and the Sunday 8 AM mass. 

We will assess the storm's impact later this afternoon or tonight and make decisions about the remainder of Sunday's masses when we can project whether travel is feasible and parking and church walkways are clear.

As you know, Bishop O'Connell has dispensed us from the obligation to attend mass this weekend due to the storm.

Let us be thankful for warmth and shelter and pray for the storm's impact to spare human life.

Fr Manning

PS Please help spread the word on social media regarding the changes to our mass schedule.


Mass Time Survey Results

Thank you to everyone who took the time to complete our online questionnaire. 109 respondents took the suvey; the results are reported as percentages of that number. There was consensus to keep the Christmas "midnight" mass at 11 PM, and no desire for a New Year's Eve midnight mass. Of the small minority of respondents who have utilized our mass sitters for their children during the 10:30 AM mass...100% rated their experience as favorable!

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Class with Best Mass Attendance this Coming Weekend to Receive Tour of Church Construction Site

The spiritual benefits of mass attendance and worthy reception of the Holy Eucharists are inestimable. Though the fruits of the mass are freely given gifts from God, it takes our effort to attend mass and receive them. While our children are learning the mass and under the guidance of our spiritual formation, it seems prudent to encourage this attendance in many different ways.

The Holy Cross School class with the highest mass attendance this coming weekend will host the Holy Cross Award in their classroom, but also be given a guided tour of the construction site. The church is beginning to really take shape and can be readily without the need to interpret construction drawings. What a fun and hands on way to teach about worship, liturgical symbolism and community.


Mass Attendance and Confirmation Program

Last weekend our confirmandi gathered after mass to hear an inspiring talk by Detective Steven McDonald of the NYC Police Department on the nature of forgiveness. In July, 1986, Detective McDonald was shot three times and nearly killed. His injuries left him quadriplegic, but he still travels widely to give motivational talks to young people.

Our eight graders had terrific mass attendance at the 5 PM mass. Congratulations to Mrs. Tomaino's class for the best school-wide mass attendance. They only narrowly missed being the first class of the year with 100% attendance.


Mrs. Tomaino's 8A Class and the Holy Cross Mass Attendance Award




Congratulations to 2A This Week's Holy Cross Mass Attendance Award

Wow and congratulations to 2A for their terrific mass attendance last weekend of over 90%


2A Mrs. Huthwaite's Class



How exciting it will be to help these children prepare for their First Holy Communions this spring!

3B and 7A had respectable showings too. I wonder who the first class will be this year to reach 100% attendance!

First Mass Attendance of the Week Award - Congratulations to 1B and 8B


Miss Enna's 1B Class and the Holy Cross Mass Attendance Award

Congratulations to 1B, Miss Enna, 8B, Mrs. Tomaino on the best mass attendance for this past weekend. Thank you to their parents for ensuring that our students are able to express their faith by worshipping with us on Sunday, a great blessing but also an important responsibility.

Mass Attendance


Follow Morning Mass on Streaming Webcam

IpeopleatworkpriestJust a reminder to school parents that our morning masses are streamed live on webcam. The school will notify the parents in each class when their child is scheduled to attend mass and we invite you to tune in to pray along, but also listen to the homily which might serve as a topic of conversation later in the day.

Holy Cross Chapel Webcam