Holy Cross School

Because You Are Worth It

Most of our 8th graders attended a conference this morning given by Pam Stenzel about the Catholic virtue of chastity. A timely and necessary topic for any age, but especially now when so many of our values are disregarded by so many. Some of our students are shown after the conference asking the presenter questions and giving feedback.

The conference was hosted by the Diocesan Office of Youth and Young Adult Ministries. 


Live As Children Of Light

CandleFlameWhenever the class who is preparing to receive First Eucharist gathers for a daily mass in the morning, they participate eagerly in all they can do (except, of course receive communion). That means they answer the prayers, pray the Our Father and usually help me with my homily. We also ask one of the children who has attended Sunday mass to ring the bells for the consecration.

This year's class seems to have developed an exuberant and inclusive "Sign of Peace" ritual which takes quite a bit longer than the cursory nod or glance most adults are accustomed to exchange. 

It is well they remind us of the importance of the entire mass - especially the significance of the Sign of Peace wherein we recognize and respect the presence of Christ in each other and Christ's Lordship over us all.


The Exaltation of the Holy Cross

Today we celebrated the first school mass of the academic year with Holy Cross students, faculty and staff. Several of our school children helped us open the doors to the triptych and reveal the new painting for the reredos Risen Christ With Cross installed just yesterday. The paint is still wet! 

The painting will be blessed at tomorrow's 10:30 AM mass when the parish family celebrates our patronal feast.

Our painting completes the story told by the art in the church nave itself. The crucifixion of Christ on the cross, its rediscovery by St. Helena shown in one of our original stained glass windows now in choir loft and the new painting. It will inspire us to understand that Christ's sufferings and our own do not end in despair or death, but are the pathways to glory and victory over sin, suffering and death.

Contrast Christ

End of Academic Year School Mass Today


The end of the year school mass at Holy Cross School ended with the best "Lift High the Cross" singing by the students I have ever heard! The air was filled with reverence and enthusiasm...what a great combination. May our students be the salt and light of the earth this summer and may God protect them during their waking and their sleeping.

Thank you to all their teachers, the faculty and administration for a great year.

Have a Blessed Summer!