The Church Flowers Aren't Shut Down
May 12, 2020
The weather has been generally kind to the church plants and gardens, with many of them just beginning to bloom, except of course, the daffodils and narcissus which have spent their moments of glory.
The plantings around the church walkways are beginning to mature. The boxwoods are in generally good shape, and the fragrant plantings we added at the staircases and paths are coming in nicely. The westward facing slope of the lawn at the bottom of the south east stairway was replaced by plantings of lavender, fragrant knockout roses and creeping thyme. These weathered winter well and are already adding size and stature.
Nepeta around the campus has been a sure bet. Most of it is Walker's Low and gets bigger and bigger each year, defying the drying winds around the church.
The plantings around the Mary statue need a bit of grooming, but they also are becoming established. The mixture of boxwood, lavender and roses near the meditation bench can be quite relaxing.
The clematis are still trying to make their way up the pergola. One brave plant barely reached the top last year, and if we can keep it from being blown down, it may begin to establish a roof.
I think the clematis plants on the trellises against the carriage house were rescued from pots at the base of the pergola since they weren't getting watered by the sprinklers. They had a rough couple of years, but have already bloomed and are reaching for the sky.