Faith to Move Mountains Diocesan Endowment Campaign

Thank You From Faith to Move Mountains

Thank you to all our parishioners attending mass last weekend for their patience and understanding as we presented the in-pew appeal for the Diocese's Faith To Move Mountain endowment campaign. As the pledge totals are tabulated, we'll keep you posted on our progress as a parish.

It's never to late to make a new or via a card available in the church or at the parish center.

Thank you for your generosity to the needs of the church!


Diocesan Faith To Move Mountains Endowment Campaign Appeal This Weekend

By now you have probably heard about the Diocesan Campaign Faith to Move Mountains and have likely been contacted by a member of our parish staff or a fellow parishioner. This weekend will bring the final in-pew appeal for the campaign to our parish. We will hear a message from Bishop O'Connell about the appeal and be asked to complete pledge cards if we have not already done so. 

Thank you for your courtesy to our campaign volunteers and for your anticipated generosity.


Faith To Move Mountains Diocesan Endowment Campaign

Faith to Move Mountains

As you know, the Diocesan Endowment Campaign Faith to Move Mountains has been underway in the diocese for many months. It is now our turn to enlist support for the fundraising which will endow trusts to fund designated areas of pastoral ministry. Details about the diocesan fund can be found on their website and will be mailed to parishioners in the coming weeks.  Our parish goal for the campaign has been set at $ 940,000. The parish is in the process of organizing the campaign material and you will hear more about it in the coming weeks.