December 2018
Rachel by Michelangelo
December 28, 2018
Holy Innocents Martyrs
December 28, 2018
Today's gospel from Matthew cites Rachel's lamentation over her deceased children in reference to the Holy Innocents murdered by Herod's treachery and cowardice. A mother's grief for her children was the inspiration for Project Rachel, a ministry of healing and compassionate outreach to all those who have been harmed by the tragic consequences of abortion - unborn, mother, father and family.
Call or contact the parish office to speak to a Pastoral Associate or Father, or reach out to The Diocese of Trenton by clicking the link above. There is hope and healing after abortion.
St. John the Evangelist
December 27, 2018
A statue of St. John the Evangelist by Bertel Thorvaldsen, a famous Danish sculptor, who is perhaps best known for his statue of Christus, sometimes called Christ the Healer a copy of which stands under the dome in Johns Hopkins Hospital.
Christmas 2018 Holy Cross Church Rumson
December 25, 2018
What a wonderful Christmas it was with near perfect weather and the congregations joyful and prayerful. It was great seeing so many young people home from college with their families. And so many families with young children.
Thank you to all our parish staff, choirs, Altar Rosary Society and Liturgical Ministers who helped us welcome so many people with ease and grace. We certainly had an amazing number of parishioners and visitors over the Christmas holiday.
Here are some uncrowded photos of our worship space this Christmas.
Christmas Eve
December 24, 2018
O Oriens
December 21, 2018
Christmas Concert 2018
December 20, 2018
The Magi Spot the Star
Mary and Baby Jesus Always Steal the Show
Joseph Gets a Message From the Angel Gabriel
O Radix Jesse
December 19, 2018
Hope Is Simple
December 18, 2018
Genealogy of Jesus
December 17, 2018
Today's gospel reading highlights the working of God's plan through Salvation History and by tracing the coming of Christ in the roots of the human story.
One of the Jesse Trees in our school decorated by the children.
Well Planned, Well Accomplished
December 15, 2018
Aedan Moran and his fellow scouts pose proudly with their newly installed sign outside Holy Cross Church. A big thank you to Adean and his troop for a gift to Holy Cross that will last a long time!
Holy Cross Church Sign
December 15, 2018
Work in Progress: Aedan Moran chose to plan and install a sorely needed new church sign for Holy Cross Church as his Eagle Scout service project. Today is the day he and fellow scouts are installing it just in time for the Christmas season! Stay tuned for more pictures after the plantings and final touches are in place. The sign will eventually be illuminated and can be changed to reflect seasonal adjustments in our mass schedules. Great job and thank you!
Blessing of Christmas Creche and Lighting of Christmas Tree
December 14, 2018
Mary and Joseph and "Dinky" the Donkey at our joyful celebration of the Coming of Christmas.
The church's baby Jesus figurine is well supported as it is being blessed!
Holy Cross Children's Choir Carols in Nursing Home
December 14, 2018
St John of the Cross
December 14, 2018
St. John of the Cross brought a unique union of mind and heart to the worship of God. His great love of God inspired some of the most beautiful poetry in the Spanish language. Have you ever written a love poem to God?
Blessing of Baby Jesus Figurines From Home Mangers Tonight
December 13, 2018
Bring Baby Jesus figurines from your home mangers to the parish Christmas manger blessing, tree lighting and Stations of the Creche tonight. Spend some time after the blessings with parishioners for some Christmas cheer.
Saint Lucy
December 13, 2018
Let there be more light! St. Lucy reminds us on a dark and dreary day with shortened daylight hours even in good weather, that the light is coming...Jesus Christ the Light of the World. We will celebrate that message with joy this coming Third Sunday of Advent by lighting the rose colored candle to enkindle our hope in the coming of the Savior.
Our Lady of Guadalupe
December 12, 2018
Holy Cross Messiah Concert 2018
December 09, 2018
Thank you to Holy Cross Choir, our guest soloists and instrumentalists for performing the best attended Messiah at Holy Cross yet. The weather cooperated to allow concert goers to avoid fighting blustery or frigid conditions and the beautiful atmosphere and acoustics of the Church contributed to the prayerful singing of the Scripture which we had just heard proclaimed at masses this Sunday. Special congratulations to Don Carolina, our music director and to the members of Holy Cross Choir who joyfully sing with us at mass.