Please be alert to a person and vehicle of the following description who has been visiting and robbing parishes all over Monmouth County, including Holy Cross.
Female, Caucasian, 40's, slim, long straight hair pulled back, glasses, satchel with chest strap, jeans. Carries cell phone which she uses to illuminate slots on poor boxes. Drives a blue, Chevy Equinox, NJ Z85-JKN
Visits are only 5-10 minutes. There have been dozens we have found on tape since we began looking. Blesses herself with holy water and then makes rounds in the church, depending on whether anyone is present, she will check poor boxes and votive candles and use a tool to remove any paper which shows through the donation slot.
She was here again as recently as last Friday. If you see her or the car, please call the parish office (during hours) and/or the Rumson Police. It appears she has been arrested before for thefts of not only funds, but chalices, apparently entering unlocked sacristies.
A Chevy Equinox
As you may know, all donations to our poor boxes go toward purchasing food cards from local supermarkets or one-time payments of rent/utilities for families in need who approach Holy Cross for help. The candle money is used to replenish the votive candles themselves and supplement our liturgical expense budget with which we purchase hosts, communion wine, linens, worship aids, etc.