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November 2015

First Sunday in Advent

The First Sunday in Advent brings another invitation from the Church to see things with a vision clearly set on Christ's presence already among us yet also focused on His coming again. 

The candles we light on our Advent wreath dispel the darkness around us and herald hope into our hearts.

Our Advent wreath in the church is suspended above the congregation...a kind of portal to heaven, or to think in terms of a modern metaphor, a holy wormhole to another dimension.

Advent Wreath Holy Cross Church

Outdoors, the wreath surrounds our garden fountain, with candles like torches to withstand the wind and the rain (and snow?) at the Atlantic shore.

For Advent, the predella of our Blessed Sacrament Altar has been decorated with a scene from Duccio's Maesta altarpiece - The Annunciation. (highlight at left lower corner)


O Mary, We've Been Waiting

IMG_2686It's wonderful that Mary has arrived in time for Advent. Our waiting for Mary, at least, is over. Now she can help us observe a blessed season of watching and waiting for the commemoration of the Coming of Christ and the longing for Him to come again.

The yellow glow of the setting sun shines in the marble of the statue and imparts a warm glow in the late evening.

Advent Is A Busy Time

Please be sure to make room in the busy month of December to participate in some of the many liturgical activities here at Holy Cross.

There is no better way to celebrate a hope-filled and joyful Christmas than to have spent a watchful and prayerful Advent.

This Advent it is more urgent than even to remember that we wait not only for the arrival of December 25th in celebration of Our Lord's previous coming, but also long for His coming again to rightwise the world.

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Holy Cross Church Advent 2015_Page_1

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Babysitting At 10:30 AM Mass To Resume

Babysitting Survey

Here are the results from 10 persons who took the Babysitting survey. The service was offered as a convenience for parishioners who have young children and wished to attend mass together. When the service was first offered it was aimed at children who have a hard time sitting still or being quiet for 45 minutes during mass. It was not designed as a catechetical or liturgical tool.

Several respondents mentioned a Liturgy of the Word for children, something which became very popular during the 70’s and 80’s. The idea was to take the children somewhere else for a children’s version of the gospel and a homily aimed at their level and return them for the Liturgy of the Eucharist to the general congregation. When these are liturgies and are well done, they are generally engaging and sometimes catechetical. They surely allow the children a change of pace by leaving and returning. The disadvantages are that the dismissal and return of the children during mass can be distracting, it doesn’t foster development of church manners in the children and it separates families during mass. Technically, and importantly, if a homily is given it must be given by a deacon or priest. The model we have been using emphasizes the family’s unity during mass as of prime importance, accepting a little bit of noise and commotion in the congregation along with it. 

We’ll resume babysitting during the 10:30 AM mass and see how it works in our new worship space without a separate classroom.

St. Elizabeth of Hungary School Mass

Today we celebrated a School Mass on the feast of St. Elizabeth of Hungary. She is one of our "window saints," in fact, a window given by the school children of Holy Cross. 

The children gathered prayers and works of mercy into spiritual bouquets which they presented before the window of St. Elizabeth, a saint revered for her acts of charity and generosity to the poor. 

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St. Joseph Meeting Room In Lower Church

A new curved screen smart TV was installed in the meeting room in the lower level today. The system works great with our wifi and the enhanced OLED brings quality not only to color picture resolution, but also to slide shows and presentations.



Some of you may not have seen the windows from Holy Rosary Church illuminated. The cabinet and backlighting displays them in dignified style.


Main Stairway Modifications Complete

Workers completed the modifications to the main entry stairs yesterday and they should be traffic worthy by the weekend masses. The bluestone steps were extended to eliminate the cut-outs on the middle stairway originally designed for a diagonal handrail arrangement.

The lantern lamps on the main stairway have also been raised to their appropriate level which sheds more light on all of the steps. 

We're working to increase the brightness of the exterior lights to make the church as beautiful and safe as possible.