First Sunday in Advent
November 28, 2015
The First Sunday in Advent brings another invitation from the Church to see things with a vision clearly set on Christ's presence already among us yet also focused on His coming again.
The candles we light on our Advent wreath dispel the darkness around us and herald hope into our hearts.
Our Advent wreath in the church is suspended above the congregation...a kind of portal to heaven, or to think in terms of a modern metaphor, a holy wormhole to another dimension.
Outdoors, the wreath surrounds our garden fountain, with candles like torches to withstand the wind and the rain (and snow?) at the Atlantic shore.
For Advent, the predella of our Blessed Sacrament Altar has been decorated with a scene from Duccio's Maesta altarpiece - The Annunciation. (highlight at left lower corner)