"The Pit of Despair" (How many times have you watched the Princess Bride?) Actually a trap door under the old stairway to the choir loft. I think it will finally be boarded up, since the sacristy floor will cover it.
The new choir loft is looking a little cluttered
Beginnings of the choir seating
The spire is on the left foreground and the pieces of the elevator are still in the middle ground
Most of the eastern Narthex on Ward Avenue is shingled. This is how the church first looked when it was built!
The work on the inner wiring, pipes and duct systems of the church building is proceeding well, and soon the insulation in the roof will be installed along with drywall in the body of the church.
The spire infrastructure is still being fabricated and/or awaiting delivery, but it will be exciting to see the new silhouette of the church when it finally rises!
Work on shingling the smaller false buttresses on Ward Avenue will be delayed until some strenthening and straigtening of the interior beams can be carried out; they have tilted noticeably since being exposed to the weather for the last year.
The church pews will begin being manufactured on Friday. In addition to the pews themselves, we have added two kneelers and an altar server bench to our order with New Holland.
The antique lectern from "the original" Holland arrived for some strange reason at the architect's office in Washington, D.C. Perhaps James needed it for a speech before it was delivered to us? In any case it will be on its way here soon.
Our liturgy planning committee has scheduled a meeting with the Diocesan Director of Liturgy, Msgr. Sam Sirianni to begin planning for the bishop's visit to consecrate/dedicate the church and altar and to celebrate Eucharist with us.