The Moment One Commits Oneself, Then Providence Moves Too
Food For Thought: Courage to Get Burnt in the Fire

New Feature on Diary of A Parish Priest: Food for Thought

  Open_book_2One of the great opportunities seminary afforded me was the time for reflection, prayer and reading. For many years I kept a digest of quotations and excerpts from books which made an impact on me. Since most of them were library books, I typed the sections into my brand new 1993 laptop (!) as a kind of spiritual digest. It was quite an eclectic mix of literature and I can't predict how many blog entries this treasury of collected wisdom will provide. I collected it to help in praying about homilies before the Internet provided such a rich treasure trove of reading material with references to be had at a moment's notice. 

From time to time, I'll reprise a quotation or two. I was fairly good at annotating the source, but sometimes an excerpt from an unknown author just appears on the page. I can probably find the source of those as well using one of the anti plagiarism software programs or just typing some of the text into Google!

Yesterday's quote from Goethe/Hillman was the first example.  

