New Feature on Diary of A Parish Priest: Food for Thought
New Topography At Holy Cross

Food For Thought: Courage to Get Burnt in the Fire

I was introduced to Brennan Manning (no known relation!) through his book  The Signature of Jesus and learned in catching up on the author that he recently died. His own life was interesting, to say the least, and after learning he left the priesthood, I didn't follow his life's twists and turns. 

However hidden and undramatic your witness may be, I pray that you will be daring enough to be different, humble enough to make mistakes, courageous enough to get burnt in the Fire, and real enough to help others see that prose is not poetry, speech is not song, and tangibles, visibles and perishables are not adequate ultimates for beings signed with the blood of the Lamb. (The Signature of Jesus by Brennan Manning)
