Holy Cross Church Welcomes New Music Director
First Communion Date

Triptych for Holy Cross Altar

Triptychs ("three folds") are probably known these days for picture frames and cards or brochures, but their earliest use in art was as altarpieces.  When closed, two panels are visible and when opened, the three interior panels are seen. This permits the art in the sanctuary to reflect the changing liturgical season and to celebrate liturgies with varying degrees of solemnity. Since liturgical art was used as a primary teaching tool about the life of Christ, the saints and Scripture, the use of a triptych allowed the church to display more sacred art in a smaller space throughout the year.

Our architect has been working on a possible design for a working triptych for Holy Cross' new sanctuary space and has recently sent us a drawing of the space behind the main altar (reredos).

Triptych doors closed showing two decorative panels
Triptych doors opened displaying three additional decorative panels

Now our blessing is to pray about the sacred art which might be installed and the timing of how we could finance it!
