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December 2011

Solemnity of Mary, The Holy Mother of God

Whenever Christmas and the Solemnity of Mary, The Holy Mother of God (New Year's Day on the secular calendar) both fall on Sundays, the Feast of the Holy Family of Jesus, Mary and Joseph, usually celebrated on the weekend between these two feasts, is celebrated on Friday. 



The Feast of the Holy Family was never a holyday of obligation. The importance of prayer for our families and the need for an inspiring model has never been greater, so while we honor Mary as the Holy Mother of God on Sunday, perhaps we can spend a few moments thanking her for her role as Mother of her family and now as Mother of the Church.




Enhanced Surveillance Video and Partial Good News About Christmas Creche Vandalism

Two new videos have been uploaded to YouTube of the Christmas Manger caper. The first shows slightly enhanced footage of the theft itself on December 22 , 4 AM. The second documents the return of one of the lambs at 11 PM the same day. Interesting is that one person passed the thief on Ward Avenue going Northbound just as the vandal had replaced the lamb and pulled away from the Church.

Holy Cross would simply like its property back. A reward is offered. Prayers are said for a more complete conversion of the vandal's heart.



Christmas 2011

Many thanks from myself and our entire parish staff for the many cards, prayers and gifts we have received over the Christmas season. 

We celebrated a beautiful, spirit-filled Christmas and not only was our mass attendance great, but so was the attendance at our Advent prayer services, wreath making and retreat.

Stations of the creche 2011 008
 Of course, Joseph and Mary and our "pony-impersonating-a-donkey"

led the way through the Stations of the Creche. 

Stations of the creche 2011 004

We did actually have a donkey this year, though he did not do any of the heavy lifting. I think he is animal who has learned that Baby Jesus sleeps on the best straw in the manger - and the donkey knows just how to get it! 

Stations of the Creche 2011 047 (1)

We did have quite a gathering of God's creatures. It is surprising how eager for attention (and food) the goats are; a few of them really do seem to enjoy butting you when you least expect it. I thought that happened only in black and white cartoons!

Stations of the creche 2011 018
The real reason for the season. We gather as God's family in a busy, commericialized and increasingly secularized month, to give thanks for the coming of Christ among us, praise God with hymns and inspired songs, place the infant Jesus in the manger, light our tree and pause for some refreshments. Now we were ready for Christmas.

Have a Blessed and Grace-filled Christmas Season.


Holy Cross Christmas 2011

Christmas is always so beautiful at Holy Cross thanks to our Altar Rosary Society and our parish staff who work so diligently and so quickly to beautify our church for Christmas after expentantly holding an Advent theme of decoration in the church.

Christmas 2011 Holy Cross Rumson

Christmas 2011 Holy Cross Rumson

Christmas 2011 Holy Cross Rumson

Our Advent wreath, now decorated for Christmas, is hung in a traditional manner over the congregation. The view under the wreath "up to heaven" symbolizes God-Made-Flesh, Emanuel.


The Answer is Blowing in the Wind

Those white stakes with the blue and gold ribbons attached surrounding strategic points of Holy Cross Church designate the approximate locations of the proposed church renovation/expansion.

The current entrance remains unchanged, while the main aisle of the church grows two arms as indicated by the stakes. The driveway around the back of the church is eliminated and makes room for the church to grow westward toward the soccer field. 

The first hearing on the proposed plan amendment with Rumson Borough went well and we hope for an agreement by the end of January, when an additional meeting has been scheduled. 

Our capital campaign is quietly underway, with public announcement and literature being prepared for early in the new year.


The Southwest expansion of the proposed transept; a mirror image is also on the north side of the church adjacent to the rectory. 

The westward expansion of the narthex eliminates the driveway around the church and makes way for the new entryway and gathering space.

Another Lambnapping at Holy Cross Church Rumson


Here's a video of the surveillance cameras capturing the young thief who helped himself to several of the figures from the Christmas Manger creche on December 22nd 4:00 AM. 

Jesus and the baby lambs are taken in from the creche each evening for safe keeping. The larger figures are difficult to move, but not apparently hard enough.

One lamb has mysteriously returned, and the donkey which was taken from the creche was left by the curb.  Police are enhancing the original video which is of higher quality than this YouTube mpeg.

The life size Nativity figures were donated by parishioners in memory of loved ones.

We can hope that the remaining lamb is returned in time for Christmas. 

Advent Retreat Wednesday, December 7th Holy Cross Parish Rumson

Join us for an evening of prayerful reflection during the grace-filled season of Advent this Wednesday evening immediately following the 7 PM Vigil Mass for the Solemnity of the Immaculate Conception. 


Our speaker will be Elizabeth Scalia, a Benedictine Oblate,  who is a nationally known writer, speaker and featured columnist. She blogs at The Anchoress, filled with news and commentary from the Catholic world as well as her own poignant insights into Catholic life and culture. Elizabeth was recently invited by Pope Benedict to participate in a symposium on New Media. 
